Family Community Resource Center

Who We Are

At HomeBase Outreach we believe the home is the foundation of how a community responds to and cares for each other. Life is full of ups and downs, surprises, and traditions all that start at home in one way or another. We know the importance of relying on community for all those times so that we can build stronger homes and families. We were not created to do life alone. We believe that each person is gifted in a way that can bless and teach others.

What We Do

Our goal is to invest in the person, point them to the truth, and help them understand how to use their gifts and skills to contribute to and build a stronger foundation to live on. HomeBase Outreach exists to mobilize the citizens and equip them to do what they have been created to do by seeking truth, learning new skills, and coming alongside others to share what they have learned. We work closely with other local non-profits who are working hard to combat evil, seek justice, provide truth, and bless others. Together we work diligently to fight the lie of individualism claiming that we can do life on our own. We cannot do life on our own, we have to do it together. We are one body as a community of people, each part as equally important as the next. We will function at full strength when we work cohesively, together.

Next Steps

We invite you to get involved at HomeBase Outreach. You have resources and connections that are vital to build a thriving community. Whether that be getting the word out, donations, or sharing a cup of coffee so we can see how to come alongside you. You are needed. Please reach out and let us know how you would like to get involved!